What do i do with Spam Assassin?

Please note - cpanel may remove spam assassin from fantastico, this is not us, it is Cpanel as recently there have been some issues with it. -------------------------------------------- Please remember that we cannot support Spam Assassin, we will attempt to help you, but we are not the support group for these extra scripts most of these applications have there own support sites, please find links below that we could trace. The best place to find out about Spam Assassin is http://www.cpanel.net/docs/cp/spamAssassin.htm Spam Assassin is a mail filter installed on a mail server used to identify spam. It checks for spam using a large number of pre-set rules that check the header, body, and sender of all e-mail messages sent to your domain mailbox. For more information about Spam Assassin, refer to the following links: Spam Assassin - Spam Assassin web site. Spam Assassin rules - A list of all the rules that Spam Assassin currently uses. Also refer to E-mail Filtering for more information about spam and setting up filters. To enable Spam Assassin: Click on the Spam Assassin link in the Mail area. Click on the Enable Spam Assassin button. Configuring Spam Assassin You can change how Spam Assassin deals with spam. The following options are available: required_hits - The number of e-mails received before a certain e-mail is considered spam. rewrite_subject - Alter the subject line of spam e-mail. Enter 1 to enable or 0 to disable. subject_tag - Text added to the subject line of spam e-mails. rewrite_subject must be enabled for this to work. blacklist_from - Enter an e-mail address that you always want classified as spam. The asterix symbol (*) can be used as a wildcard. whitelist_from - Enter an e-mail address that you never want classified as spam. The asterix symbol (*) can be used as a wildcard. To configure Spam Assassin Click on the Spam Assassin link in the Mail area. Click on the Configure Spam Assassin button. Change the settings as required. Click on the Save button. Enabling or disabling the Spam Box The Spam Assassin Spam Box is a separate mail folder called "spam". If enabled, all e-mail that Spam Assassin flags as spam is automatically delivered to the "spam" folder. Note: You need an IMAP e-mail client, such as Horde, to view the Spam Box (refer to Horde summary for more information). To enable or disable the Spam Box: Click on the Spam Assassin link in the Mail area. Click on the Enable Spam Box or Disable Spam Box as required Disabling Spam Assassin You can disable Spam Assassin whenever you require. If you are not able to receive a non-spam e-mail it is a good idea to disable Spam Assassin and have the e-mail resent. To disable Spam Assassin: Click on the Spam Assassin link in the Mail area. Click on the Disable Spam Assassin button.
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